Congress & awards

Since 1993, our club CEDRE rewards the best Franchise Manager of the Year by giving him/her an award.

All the reports are available in french on the french part.

13th Congress & 20th trophy
Franchise, skills and intangibles

12th Congress & 19th trophy (2012)
Manage the crisis to anticipate the recovery ?

11th Congress & 18th trophy (2011)
Franchisors need to be reconciled with the digital

10th Congress & 17th trophy (2010)
Towards a new ethics of duty

9th Congress & 16th trophy (2009)
20 years of law Doubin

7th Congress & 14th trophy (2007)
Franchising: a real economic model for the future

6th Congress & 13th trophy (2005)
The franchise crossroads

5th Congress & 12th trophy (2004)
Search for new locations solutions

4th Congress & 11th trophy (2003)
Crisis management in a network: which solutions ?

3th Congress & 10th trophy (2002)
The franchise has good days ahead

2nd Congress (2001)
100 franchisees in 3 years - how to get there ?

Winners & press

Qui sommes nous ? Présentation du CEDRE
Logo Cedre What is the CEDRE ?
Congress & Award
Who has been the Best French Franchise Manager 2013 ?